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Sensory Neural Responses to Ozone Exposure during Early Postnatal Development in Rat Airways




Airway infections or irritant exposures during early postnatal periods may contribute to the onset of childhood asthma. The purpose of this study was to examine critical periods of postnatal airway development during which ozone (O3) exposure leads to heightened neural responses. Rats were exposed to O3 (2 ppm) or filtered air for 1 hour on specific postnatal days (PDs) between PD1 and PD29, and killed 24 hours after exposure. In a second experiment, rats were exposed to O3 on PD2–PD6, inside a proposed critical period of development, or on PD19–PD23, outside the critical period. Both groups were re-exposed to O3 on PD28, and killed 24 hours later. Airways were removed, fixed, and prepared for substance P (SP) immunocytochemistry. SP nerve fiber density (NFD) in control extrapulmonary (EXP) epithelium/lamina propria (EPLP) increased threefold, from 1% to 3.3% from PD1–PD3 through PD13–PD15, and maintained through PD29. Upon O3 exposure, SP-NFD in EXP–smooth muscle (SM) and intrapulmonary (INT)-SM increased at least twofold at PD1–PD3 through PD13–PD15 in comparison to air exposure. No change was observed at PD21–PD22 or PD28–PD29. In critical period studies, SP-NFD in the INT-SM and EXP-SM of the PD2–PD6 O3 group re-exposed to O3 on PD28 was significantly higher than that of the group exposed at PD19–PD23 and re-exposed at PD28. These findings suggest that O3-mediated changes in sensory innervation of SM are more responsive during earlier postnatal development. Enhanced responsiveness of airway sensory nerves may be a contributing mechanism of increased susceptibility to environmental exposures observed in human infants and children.
机译:产后早期的气道感染或刺激性暴露可能会导致儿童哮喘的发作。这项研究的目的是检查产后气道发育的关键时期,在此期间臭氧(O3)暴露会导致神经反应增强。大鼠在PD1和PD29之间的特定产后天(PDs)暴露于O3(2 ppm)或过滤空气中1小时,并在暴露24小时后处死。在第二个实验中,大鼠在拟议的关键发育期之内暴露于PD2-PD6的氧气中,或在关键时期之外的PD19-PD23暴露于O3中。两组均在PD28上再次暴露于O3,并在24小时后杀死。气道被移除,固定并准备用于物质P(SP)免疫细胞化学。对照肺外(EXP)上皮/固有层(EPLP)中的SP神经纤维密度(NFD)增加了三倍,从PD1-PD3到PD13-PD15从1%增加到3.3%,并一直保持到PD29。与空气接触相比,暴露于O3后,PD1-PD3至PD13-PD15的EXP-平滑肌(SM)和肺内(INT)-SM中的SP-NFD至少增加了两倍。 PD21–PD22或PD28–PD29没有观察到变化。在关键时期的研究中,PD2-PD6 O3组的INT-SM和EXP-SM中重新暴露于O28上的O3的SP-NFD显着高于PD19-PD23和PD28上暴露的组中的SP-NFD。 。这些发现表明,O3介导的SM感觉神经变化在较早的产后发育过程中反应更快。气道感觉神经反应性增强可能是导致人类婴儿和儿童对环境暴露易感性增加的一个促成机制。



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